Comprehensive and Precise Mobile Swallow Studies with Imaging.


Comprehensive Evaluation. Precise. Affordable. Dependable

What is FEES?

information gathered by fees

This safe and well-tolerated procedure examines the structure and function of the aerodigestive tract in relation to swallowing. The procedure is useful for determining the nature of the swallowing dysfunction and is invaluable in guiding decisions regarding dietary, behavioral and therapy management.

procedure description

During the procedure, the flexible endoscope is passed along the floor of the patient's nasal passage into the hypopharynx. Initially, the patient is guided through a variety of simple tasks so that the larynx, pharynx, and upper esophageal opening can be viewed during dynamic movement. In the next step, we administer liquids of various consistencies and foods of different textures to determine the functioning of the swallowing mechanism with oral intake. Finally, postural changes and behavioral strategies are incorporated to determine their effectiveness in protecting the airway.

How does fEes worK?

Sensitive, Accurate, Portable, and Safe.
See normal swallow on Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing video below!


Our comprehensive evaluations include discussing results with on-site speech-pathologist (if applicable) and other staff members involved in the patient’s care. NDSSS consults with staff to develop a comprehensive treatment approach, including evidence-based research and including the patient’s best quality of life. Our evaluations will ensure your patient is not only provided results for the least restrictive diet but also comprehensive review of anatomical and physiological factors involved in identified swallow dysfunction.

SLP Education

North Dakota Speech and Swallowing Specialists, PLLC make themselves readily available for the treating SLP including educating on positive treatment outcomes, handling complicated dietary level decisions (including compliance with PDPM), managing a new caseload or patient, and support for any other difficulties they may be experiencing with dysphagia patients.